2018年10月31日 星期三

(新片速遞) 《銃夢:戰鬥天使》啟動逆天戰鬥力

世紀票房神話之王占士金馬倫(James Cameron),繼《阿凡達》和《鐵達尼號》後,於明年賀歲檔期,再度挑戰自我保持紀錄,聯同監製好拍檔尊蘭度及《罪惡城》技驚國際大導演羅拔洛迪格斯(Robert Rodriguez),聯手打造《銃夢:戰鬥天使》(ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL) !改編日本同名科幻漫畫神作,眩目創意展開一段自我探索、愛與希望的奇幻冒險旅程,全片由《阿凡達》台前幕後精英傾力炮製,舉世期待。

幾個世紀後的未來世界裡,合成人艾莉達 (Alita) 躺在Iron City廢鐵區中不省人事,幸得心地善良的機械醫師伊度,將她帶回工作室修理。艾莉達醒來時發現記憶全失,對身處世界一無所知,但一切簇新生活令她充滿好奇,到處探索。伊度極力隱藏艾莉達的神秘過去,而她好友曉高卻試圖勾起她失落記憶,兩人更漸生情愫;同時各方惡勢力逐漸叩上門,危及艾莉達至親,從而啟動她潛藏的逆天戰鬥力!為了解破身世之謎,艾莉達獨力踏上征途,對抗這個黑暗腐朽的世界!

《銃夢:戰鬥天使》由奧斯卡得主《007:鬼影帝國》基斯杜化華茲(Christoph Waltz)、奧斯卡得主《有你終生美麗》珍妮花康納莉(Jennifer Connelly)、奧斯卡得主《飢餓遊戲》馬許沙拉艾利(Mahershala Ali)、《移動迷宮:焦土試煉》上位新星羅莎沙拉撒(Rosa Salazar)主演,「二十世紀福斯影片」榮譽發行。

演員:基斯杜化華茲、珍妮花康納莉、 馬許沙拉艾利、羅莎沙拉撒

Visionary filmmakers James Cameron (AVATAR) and Robert Rodriguez (SIN CITY) create a groundbreaking new heroine in ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, an action-packed story of hope, love and empowerment.

Set several centuries in the future, the abandoned Alita (Rosa Salazar) is found in the scrapyard of Iron City by Ido (Christoph Waltz), a compassionate cyber-doctor who takes the unconscious cyborg Alita to his clinic.  When Alita awakens she has no memory of who she is, nor does she have any recognition of the world she finds herself in.

Everything is new to Alita, every experience a first.  As she learns to navigate her new life and the treacherous streets of Iron City, Ido tries to shield Alita from her mysterious past while her street-smart new friend, Hugo (Keean Johnson), offers instead to help trigger her memories.  A growing affection develops between the two until deadly forces come after Alita and threaten her newfound relationships.

It is then that Alita discovers she has extraordinary fighting abilities that could be used to save the friends and family she’s grown to love. Determined to uncover the truth behind her origin, Alita sets out on a journey that will lead her to take on the injustices of this dark, corrupt world, and discover that one young woman can change the world in which she lives.

Title: Alita: Battle Angel
Release Date: Feb 5, 2019
Director : Robert Rodriguez
Cast: Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali, Rosa Salazar
Genre: Sci-Fi action
Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

